2025 Season – Vendor Application

Know Before You Submit:

1. Please read the 2025 NSFM Policy Manual.

  • Notes: If you’re a regular vendor, we now require you to obtain insurance to participate. If you already have business insurance, please add the North Saanich Food for the Future Society/North Saanich Farm Market as an Additional Insured.
  • There are many options for insurance. They range from $15/day, $175/year, through the BCAFM.
  • Your product must be made/grown by you and there is no reselling.
  • You are responsible for providing a table and tent or umbrella for your market setup.

2. Market dates

  • There are 19 markets in 2025, from June 7th to October 11th. The markets are every Saturday from 9:30 to noon. Please let us know which markets you’d like to attend, and be aware that for some products, vendors will be on a first come, first booked basis. The weekly table fee is $30.00.

Apply Here

All topics marked with a * are mandatory.


On the web


* All Crafters MUST provide a minimum of TWO photographs of your product for jurying. Photos can be emailed separately HERE.

What type of payment will you accept at your stall?


Our season runs every Saturday morning from June 7 to October 11. Please select what level of participation you're interested in.


Please list the name and contact info for Emergency contacts, and note any allergy or other potential medical issues.

Weekly sales data

NSFM will be collecting weekly sales data from our market vendors so that we are able to advocate for the market and vendors by demonstrating economic impact. Do you agree to provide your daily sales totals after each attended market day?

Terms and Conditions
I understand that this application is not a guarantee to become a vendor at the North Saanich Farm Market, that my application and supporting materials will be reviewed by the Market Board of Directors and that I will be notified upon acceptance or denial. I understand that the North Saanich Farm Market reserves the right to deny any vendor for any reason that is not protected by standard non-discrimination laws. I confirm that I have read and agreed to the NSFM Policy Manual, and that I will provide my own tent/table/chair(s) if required by my attendance. Furthermore, I understand that if accepted, I will be required to provide a copy of my business insurance and other required permits.

I have read and accept the preceding terms, conditions, rules and regulations: