Information for Musical Artists
1. The name of our market
There are many different farm markets operating in the lower island. Oftentimes, artists can accidentally list our market incorrectly on their website or social media.
So, just to be clear, we are the
North Saanich Farm Market.
2. Finding us on market day
3. Contact information
M: 778-679-6535
Back-up contact on market day:
Penny Gibbs
M: 778-922-2620
4. Before market day
Our music coordinator, Doug Bernard, will send out a reminder about a week before market day (though sometimes it slips his mind!). Either way, it would be appreciated if you reach out to him during the week prior to confirm your attendance.
If you need to cancel anytime up to and including market day, please call him as soon as possible at 778-679-6535.
5. Arriving at the market
Our market set-up begins around 8:00 – we prefer to have everyone place, including musicians, no later than 9:00. To do that:
- Look for St John’s United Church – the market is in the back.
- When you arrive, please enter by the south driveway of the church – it’s a one-way driveway.
- Pull around to the back, unload everything, and then pull through to park on Clayton Road on either side of West Saanich Road – please don’t park on church property or in the school lot as those areas are for customers.
6. What we provide & you need
We provide:
- Volunteers, a cart and dolly to help you move equipment.
- A large canopy which provides good shade.
- AC power.
- A small table and chairs, if you need them.
You provide:
- Your own sound system.
7. During the market
You’ll be introduced at 9:30 when we officially open the market for selling. We ask our musicians to play from 9:30 to 12:00 with a short break in the middle when you can get a free coffee from the church stall if you say you are the entertainer!
As we get underway, sound volumes can often be a challenge as you may be too loud or too soft depending on where the listener sits. We typically leave those levels to you unless we get some vendor complaint. We encourage busking but our experience is to keep it light and engaging… and the tips will reflect listener appreciation.
When the market is over, you’ll be packing up and leaving at the same time as the vendors. You can bring your car in the same way as earlier – but please make sure to leave your gear on the side of the gravel driveway before going to fetch your vehicle.
Susan (our president) or Doug will make a cash payment at end of your set or break. If we forget, don’t hesitate to ask.